Versions Compared


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Table of contents

Table of Contents


Welcome page

Figure 1. YMPULSE Home Page / Country Selection


N.B. for all screens and menu's the options can be different than shown on the examples in this manual, due to different settings in each environment. However, since this is a generic manual we have included as many variables as possible.

Login page

Figure 2. Login Page

Without Single Sign On:


Figure 3. General Terms and Conditions

As YMPULSE can be accessed without special software, it is important for dealer security that employees who leave the dealership have their password changed or blocked to prevent unauthorised access. It is very important that you keep your password secret. If you feel that someone has guessed your password please inform the security user at your dealership and he will change it. You should change your password every month. YMPULSE will force a password change every three months if it has not been previously changed.

Password Reset

A user can press the 'Password forgotten' link to request a new password in case the user has forgotten the log in password. The user will be lead to below page where the dealer number, user ID and email are requested.


The user will get an email with a link to enter a new password. The link is valid for 60 minutes from the time the email is received. If the user is suspended due to inactivity then he/she will also get an error. In this case the user needs to notify the security user of the dealer or the distributor to activate their account. These users can also send an email with password reset link to the user, after the user has been activated.

Home page

Home Page

Figure 5. YMPULSE home screen after log on


  1. Messages: A number of possible messages can be shown to the user. The column 'Type' will indicate what kind of message it is, and next to that there is the option to delete a message. A new message that has never been displayed before will be displayed with bold letters.
  2. Contains links to other Yamaha related web pages.
  3. Logs the user out of the current session.
  4. Delete selected messages, messages from the distributor cannot be deleted.

Menu Bar for Dealer User

Figure 6. Working with the Menu Bar


Depending on the settings agreed with your distributor more or less menu options are visible. The menu example above displays some options that may not be available to all users. This is also dependent on the authorisation given by either the dealer's security user (See Section 6), or distributor's administrator user.

Links Page

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Figure 7. Yamaha links page

  1. Clicking the "Yamaha Links" menu option opens the Links Page. This will give you direct access to other Yamaha sites. In general, links shown depend on what is set by your distributor. Some of the above sites require a login which is taken care of by YMPULSE.
  2. Gives access to the local Yamaha home page.
  3. Allows you to access press and marketing information etc. You have to be initially registered using the e-mail link shown. This will provide you with a password and user ID to the site.
  4. Clicking this button will connect you to the Technical Information Website where you can find technical information on Yamaha products.
  5. Clicking this button will give you direct access to the Yamaha Service Portal. The Service Portal gives direct access to all service related information (service manuals, bulletins etc.). No additional password is required and you can toggle between the Service Portal and YMPULSE directly.
  6. Clicking the "YPEC web login" button gives you direct access to the on-line parts catalogue system without the need for additional passwords. YPEC can remain open whilst you work in YMPULSE.
  7. Clicking the Technical Information Website button takes you to the Yamaha Service Data System website.
  8. By clicking the SDS website you are transferred to the Quick-SDS site of Yamaha to look up for the Safety Data Sheets of various products.
  9. Clicking the "Yamaha Training Academy button" takes you to the login screen of Training Academy. To get access to the "Yamaha Training Academy" please contact your distributor.

Documents Page

Figure 8. Documents list page


The distributor has the option to upload documents to Ympulse. These documents can be found using the document search screen. As you can see on the example above there are a number of fields that can be used to search for specific documents, for example the product group or name. In the list of results you can see the category for which the document is valid and also if you have opened it already. You are only allowed to see documents for the product groups that you have been given access to in Ympulse by the distributor or the security user of your dealership.

Document menu for dealer

Dealer can check document that has been sent by distributor. In document screen, there are search fields that dealer can use to find specific document.

If the document is clicked, then it will automatically download the document file and column read will be ticked to mark that the document has been clicked/downloaded. For compulsory column, it means that the document is required to read.

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Distributor to Dealer Invoices

In this menu option the invoices and credit notes issued to the dealer from the distributor can be seen and retrieved.
The user can search for an invoice, with the invoice number, item number and HIN or VIN of the unit. The user can download a copy of the invoice, or request a copy if it is not available. The invoice will not be emailed to the dealer, but it will become available at a later time to this menu (approximately an hour after the request). The user can also select one or multiple invoice, to download information on the invoice as CSV file (based on a setting agreed with your distributor).

Figure 9. Screen of Invoices look up

1. The user can filter for invoices which are older then or due in 30, 60 or more than 60 days.
2. The user can search for an invoice with the invoice number and item number
3. The user can filter for invoices per product group and also search based on the HIN/VIN of a unit.
4. The user can click on the invoice and this will open the details of the invoice
5. If an invoice is available as a PDF document the button to download it appears. If it is not available the user can request a copy. After some time the invoice will become available and the button will change to download (approximately an hour after the request).
6. The user can also select multiple or one invoice to download as a CSV file (based on a setting). Information from the header and the details of the invoice are included in the file, not the layout of the invoice.
7. The user can filter invoices for a specific item number
8. The user can filter invoices for a Frame or Engine Prefix or Frame / Engine Number

Forms Page

This page contains forms that the distributor has created, to get feedback or information from the dealers.


You can enter the data you want to enter and either print this page or save and submit. When the form is finished the distributor will get all the results from all the dealers.

Parts & Accessories section

When a user clicks on the 'Parts & Accessories' menu he is transferred to a page briefly explaining the main functions available for that menu.

Figure 12. 'Parts' menu initial screen

Parts Stock Enquiry

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Figure 13. Stock P&A Enquiry

  1. Stock enquiry can be found under the parts main menu, option stock enquiry.
  2. Type in a valid part number. When typing in a part number, trailing zeroes are not required.Clicking "Query" checks the part details and availability.
  3. The message bar gives feedback on the part, eg. part found, discontinued item, supercession information etc.
  4. Supercessions can be checked by clicking the supercession button, which will take you to the superceding part for the original part you have entered. If a supercession chain contains multiple supercessions, the button will appear on screen until you have reached the end of the chain. Clicking the 'latest part' button will take you to the end of the chain immediately. Supercession means that a certain part has become obsolete and is replaced by a new part number. In this case for parts orders the new part will be delivered instead.
  5. The "Show Additional Information" button will reveal net dealer price and discount percentage. This can be hidden again if required.
  6. Dealer can search item in YMPULSE stock enquiry by entering part of the item number or item description. Option will also available to filter item by parts/accessories or both.
  7. By clicking filter now, it will show the list of matching item for selected itemnumber.

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  8. Discount column is only show for some environment that requested to show discount.

  9. If part number is clicked, then it will show more detail of stock enquiry such as if it is centrally stocked (Japan)

    It will mention if it is centrally stocked (Japan)

    and advise minimum pack quantity (Rounding Quantity) and if C9 claim types are allowed for this part. If the components are oversized or hazardous to ship, this could affect the delivery method or time.

Parts Quote

This option allows you create a quotation for your customers with parts and accessories he or she might be interested in.

Parts Quote Home Page

  1. Additional information will only show for some environment that requested to show discount.

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  2. If part number has supercessions part then there is a button of next supercessions part, if the button is clicked then it will open up a new screen to show details of supercession part.
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  3. The "Show Additional Information" button will reveal net dealer price and discount percentage. This can be hidden again if required.

Parts Quote

This option allows you create a quotation for your customers with parts and accessories he or she might be interested in.

Parts Quote Home Page

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Figure 14. Parts Quote home page


Figure 15. Order from Multiple Quotes

Parts Quote Header

Create a new quote using YPEC:

A new parts quote can be created by using YPEC. In order to do this, the user needs to click on the Open YPEC "For Quote" button at the bottom of the Unit Details screen for a specific unit:  

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After clicking on this button, the YPEC Parts Catalog for the selected unit will be opened, where the user can create an order:

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After the required items are added to the YPEC picklist, the user can press the "Order" button :

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The following screen will appear, where the user needs to click on the "Order Data Transmission" button: 

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YMPULSE will open again, with the P&A Quote Entry screen open in a new order with the parts selected in YPEC:

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From here, quote entry is the same as for manual creation.


The quote lines can then be entered below, as shown on the next page.

Parts Quote Lines

Figure 17. Parts Quote Lines details

  1. For manual input, input the part numbers and quantity required. It is not necessary to type in all of the trailing zeroes in a part number, these are automatically added.
  2. Add labour costs and miscellaneous costs.
  3. Add more lines as required.
  4. Mark the quote as complete, print or save as draft.

Parts Quote Line Entry Warnings

Figure 18. Parts Quote Line warnings


The third line is for a part that has been superseded and in the message the number of the part that will be delivered is shown. Any general warnings that are shown here apply to the part number that will be delivered, not the superseded part. If any other messages are shown for superseded parts, they are always valid for the part that will be delivered.
The fourth line gives a warning 'No returns if ordered wrongly'.

Parts Orders

This option allows the user to enter orders for parts and track the progress of these orders.

Parts Order Entry

Figure 19. Parts Order Entry page


When you click on an order you are transferred to a new page showing the header and the lines of an order.

Parts Order Header

Create a new order using YPEC:


The order lines can then be entered below, as shown on Figure 21.

Parts Order Lines Entry

Figure 21. Parts Order Lines

  1. For manual input, enter the part numbers and quantity required. It is not necessary to type in all of the trailing zeroes in a part number, these are automatically added.
  2. Messages for an item, appear below the item.
  3. With this button you cann add more lines as required.
  4. "Save as Draft" allows you to create an order and save it for later so you can add to it parts as required. The order status remains as incomplete with red order header text. A completed but not transmitted order can be saved as incomplete by saving it as draft.
  5. "Complete" button saves the order, the text changes to blue and you are returned to the Order Entry home page.
  6. The "Cancel" button deletes all changes made to a parts order and returns you to the Order Entry list page.

Parts Order Line Entry Warnings

Figure 22. Parts Order Lines warnings


Figure 13.1 order saved with error

Parts Order Enquiry

Figure 23. Parts Order Enquiry

  1. You can check on an order by using either the Order Reference, Part Number, or Yamaha Order Number. The MPG (Main Product Group) defines if you are checking parts or finished goods orders. For the above screen, this is set to "All".
  2. Filtering based on YAMAHA order number is also possible.
  3. Orders can also be filtered by date.
  4. By selecting which type of order you are looking for, you can reduce the output even further.
  5. It is possible to sort the orders based on YAMAHA order number, type, order reference, MPG, invoiced status, shipped status and credit status by ascending or descending order.
  6. Search on notes you have made while creating an order.
  7. You can also select some orders with a tickbox on the left of the order number and press the button 'Create CSV' to get a CSV export of your orders.

Parts Order Header and Lines Details

Clicking on an order on the previous page displays more information about the order and the individual parts requested. It will show all lines that were ordered and what is outstanding. If an expected delivery date is known, it will also be displayed.
Figure 24. Parts Order Header and Lines Details
Parcel numbers associated with the order are shown. If an ordered quantity is split to many deliveries, additional parcel numbers will be shown. Parcel numbers are links, clicking on them will lead the user to the Parcel Inquiry Page for that parcel number.
Clicking an order line will bring up further detail of the part including price details. This is shown on the next page.

Parts Order Line Details

Figure 25. Parts Order Line details


If a back order cancellation request has been made for an item, you cannot make a second back order cancellation request for the same item and order.

Parcel Inquiry

This page lists the parcels the dealer has received, for the P&A orders he has placed with YAMAHA.


In the above example, the parcel contains items from three different orders of the dealer. Also for one item there is less quantity than what was ordered. So the dealer should expect another parcel to complete that order.

Units Section

When a user clicks on the 'Units' menu he is transferred to a page briefly explaining the main functions available for that menu.

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Figure 29. Units Landing Page

Unit Search

The users can search for units that are under their dealership, or units that are sold in their country.

Unit Search Dealer Stock

Figure 30. Unit Search within dealership


It is possible to have a unit in dealer stock that is currently a demonstrator and also available in the market place. The dealer is using the unit for test rides, and is also saying to the other dealers 'if you want this unit, you can have it if you contact me'.

Unit Search All

Figure 31. Unit search within dealer's country


This search will be done in all units sold, not just the dealer stock for the current dealer. That means that you can find units that are in the dealer stock of other dealers, but when you click on the unit to see the unit details you may not see as many details and option buttons as you would for your own dealer stock.

Unit Details

Figure 32. Unit details screen for unsold unit


  1. The Remove from stock button allows you to do a Transfer request, which allows you to trade a unit to another Yamaha dealer. A dealer user selects a unit for transfer and then the user of the receiving dealer needs to add it in stock with the relevant button shown in Figure 30 and Figure 31.
  2. The Demonstration Unit button allows you to mark a unit as a demo unit. This will create a warranty registration where the owner is your dealership. When the unit is sold to a retail customer you can register a second owner.
  3. Contract rider is used to register a sale to a contract rider.
  4. Warranty registration is the button you click when you want to register the warranty for a unit. This will also change the status of the unit and will no longer be listed in the unsold one in Unit Search, but will be considered as sold.
  5. Damaged in Transit Claim entry will let you enter a damaged in transit claim.
  6. Warranty claim for unsold unit, If a unit is unsold this button will appear allowing to create a claim for an unsold unit.
  7. The Market Place Registration button will allow you to mark an unsold unit as available for a sale to other dealers.

Demonstration Unit

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Figure 32.


1 User administration screen

Demonstration unit button will only show up if current user has enabled the setting to do warranty registration 

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Figure 32.2 Unit detail screen

Click the demonstration unit button and it will direct you to Demonstration Registration, ensure all the information are correct and click save changes. It will put the unit to Demonstration Unit status

Claim History

A Claim History button will appear A Claim History button will appear if there are already claims made for this unit. When pressed it will display all the claims for this unit

Figure 33. Unit details screen for sold unit


At the bottom of the Unit Details screen, there are two buttons that will allow the user to create an order using the YPEC Parts Catalog and transfer the information to a new P&A quote / order in YMPULSE. More on this functionality will be included in the Parts Quote and Parts Order sections of this document.  


When the Finish Extended Warranty Registration button is pressed, a new screen will open with all of the information for the initial failed registration displayed. Here, the user will not be able to make any changes. After the save button is clicked, the process will finish:

Unit Order Entry

Figure 34. Unit Order Entry

When the user selects to enter a new order for a unit he sees a prompt to select a product group (MPG) and either create a new order or show the existing ones for that MPG.

Unit Order Entry, New Order

When the 'Create new order' button is pressed the following screen appears, which shows all item numbers that are available for the selected MPG.


When the user is finished, he can select to transmit the order to YAMAHA or save it as a draft.

Unit Order Entry, Show Existing Orders

When the 'Show existing orders' button is pressed, the following screen is shown.

Figure 36. Unit Order Entry, Show Existing Orders

A list of orders is displayed. Lines with blue colour status "Ready to Send" are orders saved as draft and with green "Sent" are orders that are already sent to YAMAHA. The user can select an order to review or sent to YAMAHA. An order that is already sent cannot be edited.

Ordering Units with Kits and Flexible Rigging

Some units can be ordered with additional options or extras. A + in front of line means the line can be expanded to show a number of possible options/extras for the unit, examples are units including side-cases or outboard engines with propellers or remote controls. Some motorbikes can be ordered as kits with accessories and some marine products can be customized with flexible rigging. Units that are delivered as kits and units that have flexible rigging options available are distinguished by having a cross sign on the left of the item number. When clicked the extra options and parts of a kit are displayed.


Figure 38. Example of a unit that has flexible rigging available

Unit Order Enquiry

This menu is similar to that for parts, but now it is listing orders for units.

Figure 39. Dealer Order Enquiry
The filter options are the same as the ones described in Section 3.3.5 for parts.

Unit Order Enquiry, Order Header and Details

Figure 40. Unit Order Enquiry, Order Header and Details

When an order is clicked the order header and details are shown. Again this is similar to what is described for parts orders in Section 3.3.6.

Unit Order Enquiry, Line Details

The user can further click the order line to get details about a particular item in the order. This is also similar with what is described previously from parts in Section 3.3.7.

Figure 41. Unit Order Enquiry, Line Details

Unit Open Orders

Figure 42. Unit Open Orders Screen


The information details are per item or order line, so for example if an order has more than one items, each item will appear separately in the list, since it may have a different expected delivery date.

Unit Availability

Figure 43. Distributor Unit Availability

The user can select the Product Group he wants, the model and the model year to get a list of the available item numbers and their availability. He can also search for a specific item number. In the screen the dealer can see the item number, the item description, the model year, colour, product group, whether the unit is available in NPTS pallet and the stock status. Stock status will show the latest information compared to the current date. If there is stock available it will show the relevant stock according to the settings, if delivery is expected far in the future it will show the month the units are expected and if it is in the near future it will show the week number the units are expected.

Units Service Functions

Specific actions related to the regular maintenance of a unit can be performed from the Unit details screen. There are three button available and they appear for both sold and unsold units:

  1. Service checklist, where the user can download a PDF for the services allowed for a unit, that detail the steps needed to perform the relevant service to the unit.
  2. Register Service, where the user can directly register the service he wishes to perform or has performed on a unit.
  3. Calculate service cost, where the user will be directed to the Parts Quote Entry page with the part numbers and quantity prefilled on the screen.

Unit Service Checklist

Figure 44. Documents describing the services that can be performed on the unit


Note: If there are no checklists available for a unit then the relevant button will not appear.

Unit Register Service

Figure 45. Register the service for a unit

When the user clicks on the button 'Register Service' in Figure 33. Unit details screen for sold unit, he is transferred to the above screen, where he can select the service he has performed, the mileage or running hours of the unit when the service was performed and the date it was performed. Mileage and date are mandatory fields, while date can be only the current date or a date in the past.

Unit Calculate Service Cost

When the user clicks on the button 'Calculate Service Cost' in Figure 33. Unit details screen for sold unit, he is first prompt to select a desired service for the unit and then is transferred to the above screen. Here the user can calculate what will the cost for the service be and make a quote for the customer that can be printed. Normal validation of parts is done.
The user can also enter the date and time he has agreed to perform the service with the customer.


If there are no parts information for the selected unit and service interval, then there will be no parts pre-filled on the screen.

Unit Service Records

Under menu Units and option Service Records, the dealers can see the services they have performed in their own dealership. When searching for a specific unit, then they can see also services performed by other dealers as well with less details.


The user can click on the above line and will be lead to the service maintenance page for that particular record, where he can indicate when that particular service has been performed and fill in the mileage for the unit.

Figure 51. Service Details Maintenance

Dealer Labour rate for regular maintenance

There is a new Menu called 'Dealers' where the dealer can see the labour rate which applies, per Product group, for his own customers. The labour rate can be set by the security user of the dealer and/or the Distributor depending on the settings for the country.

Figure 52. Dealer to Customer Labour rate


  1. The dealer will not be able to see the stock of other dealers
  2. The dealer's stock will not be visible in stock locator

Dealer Holiday Calendar

Figure 53. Dealer Holiday Calendar


Figure 54. Dealer Holidays Registered

Units Warranty Registration

Users will be able to easily register multiple products to one single customer, without having the user selecting each product separately and filling the registration form with the same information multiple times. 


The customer search screen will open where the user can decide to select an existing customer or create a new customer record.

Select an existing customer 

To retrieve a customer record from the database, the user will need to use the search filters available to retrieve a list of possible matches at the bottom of the screen.

It is important to note that in order to be able to disclose customer information in this screen, the identity of the customer needs to be verified by entering at least three matching fields. It is mandatory to enter a postcode as a search filter.
A message will be displayed at the top of the screen, in red, encouraging the user to refine his search:

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When three or more matching fields have been entered and Filter button is pressed, a list of retail customers that fit the search criteria will be displayed at the bottom of the screen:
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When clicking on a record to select a customer, the "Warranty Registration" button will be activated to continue with the process:

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The "Warranty Registration" screen will open with the customer information already filled out:
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Create a new customer

To create a new customer record, press the "New Customer" button in the customer search screen.


If you want to register an address in a country different than where you are at the moment, then first choose the correct country, and then do the address check.

Correct Customer Data

When needed, the user can make changes to customer information. This functionality will remain linked to a unit Id, meaning that there is no menu option available in YMPULSE for this. Changes in customer information will affect all of the units that belong to a certain customer Id. Also, there are some retail customers that cannot be edited by an YMPULSE user, for example, when the customer is a Dealer. 


After the last step is completed, a screen will open displaying the customer information in editable format, so the user can make the desired changes. When the selected customer record is linked to more than one unit, a warning will be shown at the top of the screen to alert the user of the consequences of making changes to the customer's information:


Select units to register

After the retail customer for the warranty registration has been selected, either by retrieving it from the customer search or by creating a new record, a new screen will open:


  • The top section will be used to add units not linked to Salesforce opportunities
  • The bottom section will show the pending opportunities from Salesforce for the selected customer / current dealer combination. The user will be able to match dealer stock to these opportunities.

Adding units not linked to Salesforce opportunities

To add a unit, click on the "Add" button located at the top of the screen:


To finish with the selection, click on the "Add Selected" button. The units will be displayed as selected in the Pending Opportunities screen:


Linking a unit to an existing Salesforce opportunity

To link a unit to an opportunity on the list, click on the "Select Unit" button located at the right side of each opportunity shown on the table:


A unit can be selected by clicking on it. The selected unit will be shown next to the opportunity in the Pending Opportunities screen:

Enter warranty registration data

After unit selection is done in the Pending Opportunities screen, the warranty registration process can continue by clicking on the Continue button at the bottom of the screen:


Here, users will be able to download the warranty documents for the units registered. Depending on the warranty product selected the number of documents generated per unit may vary.

Warranty Certificate

Figure 56. Warranty registration document

  1. Once the user has completed the warranty registration of a unit, a message will appear on the status bar notifying the user that a warranty certificate is available.
  2. Click on the message to open the warranty certificate for that unit. This can be printed immediately if required.
  3. If the certificate is not printed at this point, it will be saved as a .pdf file showing the VIN. This will appear in the "Warranty certificates" section of the YMPULSE Home Page.

Change owner

Warning: Changes made to customer data will update the retail customer record in the retail customer master. These changes will affect all of the units linked to the current customer’s Id.


To change the owner of a unit, the process starts by clicking on the "Change Owner" button in the "Unit Details" screen:

Select existing customer

After clicking on the "Change Owner" button, the following screen will be displayed, where an existing customer can be retrieved or a new one can be created: 


After saving, the user will be returned to the "Unit Details" screen as per original functionality.

Create a new customer

To create a new customer, there is a "New Customer" button available in the customer search screen.


After saving, the user will be returned to the "Unit Details" screen as per original functionality.

Warranty Claims

The option is available through the "Units" menu and then "Claims" option.

Warranty Claims Home Screen

Figure 57. Warranty Claims Home screen


Figure 59. Warranty Claim List for Units, alternate screen

Warranty Claim Information

Figure 60. Warranty Claim Information and Claim details


  1. Reviewing the claim history will display details of a particular claim. Selecting the review button will open the claim information screen.
  2. This screen can be scrolled down to display any notes made for that claim.

Warranty Claim Entry

Figure 61. New Warranty Claim entry


  1. Add a customer name (not mandatory but makes it easier to find specific claims)
  2. The Problem Group Code will be automatically filled once the Problem Code is selected
  3. Select the defect that caused the problem from the drop-down list, you can type and search.
  4. Enter the mileage or the run hours of the unit. (not required for DT/unsold claims)
  5. Files like pictures can be uploaded.
  6. You can select the ship to address where the parts for the repair should be delivered to.
  7. There is a button that can be clicked to use YPEC to add parts to the claim. More about this functionality in the Warranty Claim Parts & Jobs Entry section.

Once all of the above have been completed, you can continue with the parts and jobs and sublets entry. YMPULSE will not allow you to save a claim if the above mandatory information is incomplete or the primary part failed is not entered.
N.B. If there is an outstanding recall or modification campaign, this will automatically appear before you can start a new claim and you can choose to enter the modification campaign. (see an example in Figure 68).

Warranty Claim Parts & Jobs Entry

Add parts to the claim using YPEC:


Battery claims on motorcycle, ATV, SSV, ROV and Snowmobile : Factory warranty is 6 months, an additional 6 month is covered only if the Battery check sheet is filled inout.

The battery sheet is automatically supplied by the YMPULSE system the moment a battery claim is made when problem date is higher then 6 months and within 1 year, calculated after the warranty start date.

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Warranty Claim Sublets Entry

Depending on the settings for your country the warranty sublets may not be visible, and don't need to be filled in.


N.B. Yamaha's warranty department may contact you to discuss any sublet claims and will require copies of invoices etc. to substantiate the claim. Remember to upload these when creating the claim.

Warranty Claim Notes

The appearance of this functionality also depends on a setting set by your distributor.


N.B. If the claim is supplementary to an earlier claim (e.g. crankshaft bearing selection done after crank being supplied) it is important that the claim details are identical to the earlier claim with respect to problem codes and mileages etc. In the "Notes" section there must be a clear reference to the earlier claim with an explanation.

Modification Campaign Claim Entry

On the unit search screen the color of the line will indicate if an outstanding modification campaign exists. If it does, and the button for claim entry is clicked, then another screen will be shown as indicated above. Modification campaign claims can be entered for both sold and unsold units.

Modification Campaign for Unsold Unit

When the unit is still unsold, meaning there is no warranty registration, the button "Modification campaign" will appear as in Figure 65.

Figure 65. Unit Details for Unsold Unit


Figure 67. Modification Campaign Claim Entry

Modification Campaign for Sold Unit

If the unit is already sold, meaning there is a warranty registration, the button "Modification Campaign" does not appear in the Unit Details. Instead the user can select to make a modification campaign claim when he presses the button to enter a normal warranty claim. He is transferred to the same screen as shown in Figure 66, but this time without the warning about doing warranty registration.
Of course it is possible to enter only a normal claim for warranty as shown in below figure where both options appear.

Figure 68. Warranty Modification Campaign Claim

Stock Locator

This functionality allows users to be able to visualize unit stock availability across all dealerships that are set up to participate. 


The list at the bottom of the screen will display the dealers who currently have stock for the selected item.

Claims & Parts Returns

Claims & Returns Home Page

Figure 69. Claims & Returns Overview


  1. You can create a new claim or return by clicking on the 'Claim entry' button at the top left of the screen.
  2. The different statuses will be "Ready to be sent", "In progress", "Accepted" and "Rejected".
  3. The returns that have been entered can be sent to the distributor. You can select to transmit or delete the returns shown in blue with status 'Ready to be sent". Or you can select to view a return that has been sent to Yamaha already. You will not be able to change any details on these returns (green text).
  4. You can choose to transmit only the selected returns, or all un-transmitted returns.
  5. If the return you want to review or transmit isn't shown in this list, then click on the 'Get More Records' button to get more parts returns in the list of the screen.
  6. After submitting a claim the user needs to select and press the transmit button in order for the claim/return to be sent to YAMAHA. Selecting more than one claims/returns to transmit is also possible.
  7. For YMPULSE environments set up to allow this, an additional button "Return Parts Letter" will be displayed next to claim numbers that meet the following conditions:
  8. The status of the claim is "In progress"
  9. Quantity to return for the claim line is greater than the quantity returned.
  10. Quantity returned is equal to 0.
    image2020-11-9_14-21-11.pngImage Removed
    After pressing this button the letter will be generated in pdf format:
    image2020-11-9_14-30-39.pngImage Removed

Spare Parts Return Review


An additional button “Return Parts Letter” could be displayed next to claim numbers that meet the following conditions:

NOTE: Please contact your distributor for confirmation of this function in your region.

    1. The status of the claim is "In progress"
    2. Quantity to return for the claim line is greater than the quantity returned.
    3. Quantity returned is equal to 0.
      Image Added

      After pressing this button the letter will be generated in pdf format.

Spare Parts Return Review

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Figure 70. Spare Parts Return Review

Clicking the claim number will show you the details of the transmitted claim. For the red ones that have been rejected you will see a rejection code and date for the rejection. The accepted returns will give you no rejection code, but the date decided will be filled. This is the date the return has been accepted.

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New Claim or Return Entry

A new claim entry can be made return after clicking the "Claim entry" button in the top left.

Following claim types can be selected from dropdown menu:

  • C2 – Under delivery (missing qty)
  • C5 – Part not according to specification
  • C7 – Damaged in transit
  • C9 – Part no longer required
  • WA – Warranty P&A

Below you can find a detailed description per claim code on what information needs to be provided

C2 – Under delivery (missing qty)

Please enter the following information for C2 claim code:

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  1. Claim code

    Select claim code from dropdown menu
  2. Parcel Number

    Enter the first three numbers of the parcel number and a list of parcel numbers is shown where you can select the parcel from which you want to return a part.
  3. Part number + Yamaha Order No. + Line

    When you select a parcel number by clicking it, the item numbers are shown for that specific parcel. The screen will show between brackets the order number and order line from which the part or accessory was ordered.
  4. Quantity

    You can add the quantity of the item you want to return from this parcel.
  5. Add

    When all information is provided, select ‘add’ button to submit the claim to the overview list.Click on ‘back to overview’ or proceed with the next claims.

C5 – Part not according to specification

Please enter the following information for C5 claim code:

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  1. Claim code

    Select claim code from dropdown menu
  2. Parcel Number

    Enter the first three numbers of the parcel number and a list of parcel numbers is shown where you can select the parcel from which you want to return a part.
  3. Part number+ Yamaha Order No. + Line

    When you select a parcel number by clicking it, the item numbers are shown for that specific parcel. The screen will show between brackets the order number and order line from which the part or accessory was ordered.
  4. Quantity

    You can add the quantity of the item you want to return from this parcel.
  5. VIN

    VIN of the unit is mandatory (exception for items like for example apparel)
  6. Batch label

    Can be found on part number label.
  7. Problem description

    Short description of the problem
  8. Upload Files

    Upload files clarifying the problem description / providing evidence for the claim.
  9. Add

    When all information is provided, select ‘add’ button to submit the claim to the overview list.Click on ‘back to overview’ or proceed with the next claims.

C7 – Damaged in transit

Please enter the following information for C7 claim code:

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  1. Claim code

    Select claim code from dropdown menu
  2. Parcel Number

    Enter the first three numbers of the parcel number and a list of parcel numbers is shown where you can select the parcel from which you want to return a part.
  3. Part number + Yamaha Order No. + Line

    When you select a parcel number by clicking it, the item numbers are shown for that specific parcel. The screen will show between brackets the order number and order line from which the part or accessory was ordered.
  4. Quantity

    You can add the quantity of the item you want to return from this parcel.
  5. Batch label

    Batch label can be found on part number label.
  6. Problem description

    Short description of the problem.
  7. Upload Files

    Upload files clarifying the problem description / providing evidence for the claim.
  8. Add

    When all information is provided, select ‘add’ button to submit the claim to the overview list. Click on ‘back to overview’ or proceed with the next claims.

C9 – Part no longer required

Please enter the following information for C9 claim code:

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  1. Claim code

    Select claim code from dropdown menu
  2. Parcel Number

Clicking the claim number will show you the details of the transmitted claim. For the red ones that have been rejected you will see a rejection code and date for the rejection. The accepted returns will give you no rejection code, but the date decided will be filled. This is the date the return has been accepted.

New Claim

A new claim entry can be made return after clicking the "Claim entry" button in the top left.


  1. Enter the first three numbers of the parcel number and a list of parcel numbers is shown where you can select the parcel from which you want to return a part.

  2. Part number + Yamaha Order No. + Line

    When you select a parcel number by clicking it, the item numbers are shown for that specific parcel. The screen will show in parenthesis between brackets the order number and order line with from which the part or accessory was ordered.
  3. Quantity

    You can add the quantity of the item you want to return from this parcel.
  4. And you have to select the appropriate claim code from the list.
  5. A description can be added to the return, to inform the distributor of the reason of the return. Depending on YMPULSE settings, the claim description will be shown as one field or split into three fields:
    One Field:
    image2020-11-9_14-35-27.pngImage Removed
    Depending on the YMPULSE settings, this field will be mandatory / not mandatory. 
    Three fields:
    image2020-11-9_14-34-35.pngImage Removed
    Depending on YMPULSE settings, some of these fields will be mandatory / not mandatory. This also depends on the claim code selected by the user.
    Upload files, for certain claim types
  6. the quantity of the item you want to return from this parcel.
  7. Add

    When all information is provided, select ‘add’ button to submit the claim to the overview list. click on ‘back to overview’ or proceed with the next claims.

WA – Warranty P&A

Please enter the following information for WA claim code:

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  1. Claim code

    Select claim code from dropdown menu
  2. Retail sales date

    Enter retail sales date as printer on retail invoice
  3. Retails sales invoice Number

  4. Part Number

  5. Quantity

  6. VIN

    VIN of the unit is mandatory (exception for items like for example apparel).
  7. Problem description

    Short description of the problem.
  8. Upload Files

    Upload files clarifying the problem description / providing evidence for the claim.
  9. Add

    When all information is provided, select ‘add’ button to submit the claim to the overview list. click on ‘back to overview’ or proceed with the next claims.

Upload files for claim type C5, C7 and WA

Upload files, claim type C5, C7 and WA a document upload will be mandatory. Then the button to upload documents for that claim will be available. 




will look similar to


below (fig 72), please upload photo’s / video via the ‘Choose file’ button, and add a description to the file.

When All files are uploaded click on “done”

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Submitting claims to YAMAHA.

After adding


After submitting a claim the user needs to select all applicable claims in the Overview List and press the transmit button (1) in order for the claim/return to be sent to YAMAHA.
Selecting more than one claims/returns to transmit is also possible .by selecting multiple claims via the tick boxes on the left (2)

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The new added claim(s) / claims which have not been submitted to YAMAHA, can be recognized by the status ‘Not yet transmitted’.Image RemovedFigure 72. P&A Claim File Upload

Dealer Security User

Security user home page

Figure 73. Dealer Security User Home Page

The distributor will issue the user ID and password for the security user of a dealership. The security user can log on to the system and will see the home page as shown above. He can choose from a number of menu options under the Admin main menu option: "Admin", "Delete transmitted orders" and "Delete warranty audit records". There are also a number of messages and files available for download. The security user will use the Admin-button more than the other two options.

Security User Administration Page

YMPULSE follows below logic for suspending/deleting users.


Dealer users who have not logged in for 1 year and who are suspended get deleted. Also, security dealers who have not logged in for 30 days get deleted when there are no regular dealer users.

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Figure 74. Security User Administration Page

In Figure 74 you see the administration page where the security user can see a list of all the users that he has created for the dealership. The security user can see if a user is live or suspended (without a tick), the last time he logged in, the default MPG group of the user and reset the password if a user is not suspended. Lastly, he can edit a user, copy the settings for a new user from an existing one and delete a user from his dealership.

Security User Administration Page, User Details

Figure 75. User Details

The security user can set the status of the user, the name, the email address, the language, if he is able to place order for multiple ship-to addresses and what the default ship-to address is.

Security user can also update the user status and set it back to Live if the account get suspended.

Security User Administration Page, User Allowed MPGs

Figure 76. User Allowed MPG's

In this screen the security user can set permissions for the allowed MPG's and the type of documents that can be seen for the specific user.

Figure 77. User Allowed Links

In this screen the security user can set which links are available to the specific user.

Security User Administration Page, User Access Restrictions

Figure 78. User Access Restrictions


Note that for new users all permission tick boxes are unticked. This will encourage the security user to think about which permissions to give to which user, and no new user will have default permissions to do more than he or she should be able to do. Some authorisations may be more or less compared to what is shown in Figure 78 as this depends on what is enabled for your country by the distributor.

Security User, Delete Transmitted Orders

Figure 79. Security User, Delete Transmitted Orders

The security user can choose to delete transmitted orders older than the parameter that is filled in. The action is confirmed by clicking on the button "delete orders".

Security User, Delete Warranty Audit Records

Figure 80. Security User, Delete Warranty Audit Records

The security user can choose to delete transmitted warranty audit records older than the parameter that is filled in. The action is confirmed by clicking on the button "delete warranty audit records".

Security User, Further Use of Personal Data

Figure 81. Security User, Further Use of Personal Data

In this screen the security user verifies that he agrees on the usage of the personal data of other dealer's employees to be in line with the Yamaha Marketing Strategy.

Security User, Set labour rate

Figure 82. Security User, maintenance screen for Service Labour Rate


Note: This labour rate is valid only towards the customers of the dealer, for the use of the regular maintenance calculation. It DOES NOT relate to the warranty labour rate agreed with the Distributor!

Technical Support

If you are experiencing problems with the system you should check the following BEFORE you contact the distributor.
