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Table of Contents

Quote/Order Entry

All quotes (converted into orders) and orders entered in YMPULSE by customers with dealer type 'MSPE' and 'ETAT' will be processed as quote orders when sent to YMPACT.

Quote Entry

Order Entry

Quote Tracking

Granting permission

Permission to access new screen 'Quote Tracking' needs to be granted to administration clients. After 1 or 2 hours (same interval when normal orders sent by regular dealers will appear in YMPULSE Order Enquiry screen), the quote order should be available in the 'Quote Tracking' screen with status In Progress (EN ATTENTE).

Pending quotes only

Ticking the 'Pending quotes only' checkbox will filter results to only display quotes in In Progress or Rejected status. This should help users in selecting pending quotes easier.

Selecting Quotes

Administration clients can immediately select quotes they want to submit for authorization. When each quote is selected, the total amount is automatically calculated and displayed on the upper right side of the screen. There is a current limitation in YMPULSE where only records on the same page can be selected and submitted.

'ETAT' Customers

When Customer Type = 'ETAT', the submit button should read 'Transformation of quote into order (CHORUS)'. After clicking the submit button, user will be asked to provide Purchase Order Number, Running Service Code, and Market or EJ number. All 3 fields are required and must be within the allowed length. No other further validation are made. All submitted quotes by 'ETAT' customers are automatically approved and sent to YMPACT within 1 or 2 hrs.

'MSPE' Customers

When Customer Type = 'MSPE', the submit button should read 'Decision on quote (PURCHASE CARD)'. After clicking the submit button, user will be asked to provide Purchase Order Number, Running Service Code, EJ number and Alias. All 4 fields are required and must be within the allowed length. The EJ Number and Alias are displayed in a list based on the active purchase card information setup for the logged in dealer. Depending on the response from the bank, authorized quotes are automatically sent to YMPACT within 1 or 2 hrs.

'MSPE' Customers but all purchase card accounts are expired

When Customer Type = 'MSPE' but all of its purchase card accounts are expired, user will not be allowed to authorize quote orders for the meantime. They need to setup active purchase card accounts in YMPACT first before being allowed to do so.

Purchase Card Maintenance

Purchase Card Maintenance will be done in YMPACT via Option F9 in UR900.
