My Yamaha ( is the location where our customers can manage they personal information.

It is now possible to add promotional banners on the initial page. If a banner is published to this location, it will appear on the dashboard as showed on the image below:

My Yamaha banners content are configured exactly on the same way other AEM banners but there is a minor difference in the way this is managed.

The first think to consider is that there is only one banner to manage meaning than if you want to replace the content of what is published on MyYamaha, you will have to update the current banner.  

Another important consideration is the location of this banner (within YME resources). As no tags or dynamic list are used, a new location was created asset needs to be modified, see AEM path below (change highlighted to your own country-language): (ex: fr-fr, gr-el, dk-da etc..).

There, you will find a Promotional banner (home-page-promotional-banner) as showed on the image below:

To edit the banner, you will have to "cancel the inheritance". To learn more about editing content create from YME, you can check this video.

Beware than after the banner is published, it will take around 20mn for updated content to show up live (cache).

To consider (important):

  1. Try using a darker image to make sure text will be visible. Attached on this article is a photoshop file ( MyYamaha-Banners_template.psd) containing some layer showing you what will be visible with different sizes ( desktop and tablet – mobile will show full image). Also and mostly, this *.psd contains a gradient overlay layer you may decide ti use in order to export the image and making it darker.
  2. Knowing that you are always using the same asset (banner), we recommend using the timeline to create versions of this banner so you can easily revert when needed. To learn more about using timeline and version of pages, click this video.
  3. Use schedule publishing to update your banner on live system ( cache will clear 20mn after the asset/page is published).

If you have any questions or comments about this, please reach to Digital Marketing

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