How to request a new Purchase Order (PO / YAMPO) & track your budget? 

Currently, for budget management and tracking purposes, there is one person placing POs for both trade marketing & brand marketing departments. 

In order to request a PO and make the process more efficient and agile, please submit your PO request via the template excel attached. Please

PO requests 2024:

  • In order to request one or more PO > please fill-in attached excel and send it via email to Diana Guia Barbosa 
  • Please submit POs in advance, for allowing time for approvals
  • Please do submit POs before receiving invoices > POs are tools to request approval for costs
  • POs must have in OnBase the delivery date always in the future > if the budget month is in the past, please write in the comments. If we make POs with delivery date in the past, the system will not make an accrual for this PO

Explanation of the fields

  • Column A: Date of request
  • Column B: Person who will make the PO in OnBase (normally Diana Barbosa)
  • Column C: Person who sends the request for the PO (your name)
  • Column D: it is in this case a PO
  • Column E: date of when the budget is and when the goods/services are delivered
  • Column F: leave empty
  • Column G: select "to be requested"
  • Column H: select the vendor from the data list. If your vendor is not in the list, please add it on the sheet "DATA" first and update the data of the vendor cell
  • Column I: write the amount in EUROS

  • Column J: Write the name of the project - for example "EICMA 2024". It should be short and used always same for all the POs of one project
  • Column K: select the budget project code
  • Column L: select the correct budget profit centre (PC)
  • Column M: select the correct budget account centre (AC)
  • Column N: leave empty 
  • Column O: write the comments for vendor + internal comments - it should be the description of goods/services; reason of the PO; any other relevant info for approvers
  • Column P: contact email from vendor / or if you want to send the PO to yourself, please put your email address
  • Column Q: type the original currency and amount if this is different than Euros.

Important guidelines:

  • A PO should always be made before the vendor has started the work
  • We cannot request POs in the past (the delivery month should always be either the present month or in the future)
  • The PO should always be made in advance of the invoice, and then the vendor will include the PO nr in the invoice. As the PO is a confirmation and the necessary approval of the actual services or goods

Additional tips:

  • If you need the PO to be multiple invoice - please mention in the comments
  • A multiple invoice PO can be with just 1 line
  • If you like to ask a PO with multiple delivery dates, please make 1 excel line per delivery date and add the clarification in the comments box (column O).
  • Each PO can only have 1 Project Code and 1 PC, but it can have several accounts. For example if you use Project Code "APPGEN" PC "5901" but then you can have 2 lines, one line with account "80114" + another line for "80106".  

If you have any questions, don't hesitate in contacting Diana Guia Barbosa .

Thank you & best regards,

YME Trade Marketing Team