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The YMPULSE-D Communication System allows distributors to effectively exchange information with the YAMAHA central systems.
YMPULSE-D uses the Internet as the main method of communication. You will need to have a connection to an Internet Service Provider (ISP) in order to be able to use this system and other facilities of the Internet.
As a YAMAHA distributor you will normally already have an existing Internet connection.

YMPULSE-D provides the following functionality:

  • Parts Enquiry
  • Order Entry and Transfer of Orders to Yamaha's Central systems
  • Order Adjustment Enquiry
  • Order Confirmation Enquiry
  • Shipment Information Enquiry
  • Administration and Security functions
  • Unit Price upload (separated UserGuide, only available for Yamaha website webmasters)
  • Accessory Price upload (separated UserGuide, only available for Yamaha website webmasters)
  • Dealer Locator (separated UserGuide, only available for Yamaha website webmasters)


Computer/Browser Specification

Access to the YMPULSE-D Communication System is obtained via a Web browser interface.
YMPULSE-D can be used on any computer provided your Web browser is capable of handling:

  • Tables
  • JavaScript
  • HTML

YMPULSE-D should work with most browser software, however we recommend (and only support):

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • Chrome

You should always try and keep your browser as up to date as possible. New versions of browser software can be found by visiting the Microsoft web site ( You should follow the recognised internal procedure for updating your browser.
The application has been designed to run at a screen resolution of 800 x 600 or higher. You may run it with lower resolutions (e.g. 640 x 480) but you will notice that the screens do not look exactly the same as those shown in the examples.
This is purely personal preference and in no way affects the performance or the functionality of the application.

Using the Application

This guide is designed for you, the Yamaha distributor, and it describes how to use the YMPULSE-D software to communicate with the central YAMAHA computer systems in the Netherlands.
In order to access the system you need to visit the YMPULSE-D web site. Setting your browser to go to

Log-on to the Application

  1. When you have selected the web site, you will be presented with the following screen: 

    Figure 1 - Entry Screen

    The screen displays a selection of national flags (for the dealer system) and some Yamaha Logos.

    • NOTE: If you wish to 'bookmark' a page then this is the page that you should choose. You MUST NOT bookmark the logon page (see below) as unexpected results will occur.

  2. Select the Logo for YMPULSE-D , at the bottom left (second icon).
    The following screen is now displayed: 

    Figure 2 - Logon Screen




    Confirms the information you have input and provides access to YMPULSE-D. You Log on by clicking the Login button.

  3. To succesfully log-on to the application, you must enter the following details:

    1. Distributor number
      Enter your unique distributor number in the field provided.

    2. User ID
      This is a unique ID for you as a user within your distributorship. It can be up to 3 positions in length.
      Depending on your specific distributorship configuration, you may have one ID for use by all staff within your distributorship, or, each staff member may have individual User IDs. 

      HINT: To move between input fields throughout YMPULSE-D, you can either use the TAB key or, by positioning yourself with your computer's mouse and by left clicking in the field.

    3. Password
      This is where you enter your password. IT The main security user within your distributorship will supply it to you.
      As with the User ID, you may have one password for use by all staff, or each individual user may be assigned unique passwords. 

      Your security user can change your password via the Systems Administration menu. 
      Your password will automatically expire every 30 days and you must choose a new one before you can continue. 
      Passwords must be between 6 and 15 characters in length. You cannot re-use a password that you have used before. Passwords are not case sensitive.

  4. Once you have completed all the above fields, click the Login button.

    If the sign-on information is verified to be correct by the central computer system, you will be granted access to YMPULSE-D.
    If the sign-on is not verified, an error message is displayed. You can have three successive attempts to sign-on, after which your account will be suspended.
    In this event, your account will have to be reset by the security user within your distributorship before you can access the application.

    It is very important that you keep your password secret. If you feel that someone has guessed your password, please inform the security user at your dealership or take the Change Password option that is detailed later in this document.

Main Log-on screen

Once you have successfully logged onto the application, a screen is displayed similar to the one below:

Figure 3 - Main Screen

You can choose which function you wish to access from the navigation bar at the top of the screen. Each Function is described in more detail in the following sections.

Parts Enquiry

  1. When you choose the Parts option the following screen will be displayed.

    Figure 4 - Parts Enquiry
  2. Enter the Part / Unit Number that you wish to query in the text box. 

    HINT: It is not necessary to key the trailing zeros on the end of a part number ANYWHERE in the Ympulse system. These will be automatically added for you.

  3. When you have entered the Part / Unit Number, press the Query button.
    The following screen will be displayed: 

    Figure 5 - Parts Enquiry (supersession)

  4. The Part Description is displayed. If the part is Discontinued this is indicated by a Y. The Pack quantity is shown. If there is no stock available this is indicated by an N (as in the above example).

    If there is a supersession for this part number then this is also shown together with a button marked "Next Supersession".
    When this is clicked the details of the next supersession are also shown. When there are no further supersessions the button will not be shown. 

Order Entry

To enter an order or view a list of existing orders:

  1. Click the Order option. A screen similar to the following is displayed on which is listed all orders entered by you.

    Figure 6 - Order Entry - List

    New Order

    Displays a blank order entry form onto which you can input a new order.


    Transmits all selected "ready to transmit" orders. Orders are selected by clicking the Transmit checkbox associated with the order. Orders that have been selected display a  in this column.


    Allows the user to upload an order file into YMPULSE-D.

    First 20 orders
    Next orders

    Use these buttons to navigate among the order records.

  2. If an order has already been transmitted to YAMAHA, a date is displayed in the sent column.

View an order

If an order has already been transmitted to YAMAHA, a date is displayed in the sent column.

To view an order from the Stored Order table:

  1. Click the button in the Review column corresponding to the order you wish to view.
    Details of the order are displayed in a screen identical to that for creating an order.

    You can only change the order details if it is:
  • Marked as incomplete
  • Complete, but not yet transmitted

Delete an order

To delete a particular order from the Stored Order table:

  1. Click the button against the order in the Delete column.
  2. Before the order is deleted, a confirmation screen is displayed on which you must click Yes to delete the order.

Create an order

To create a new order:

  1. Click the New Order button. The following screen is displayed:

    Figure 7 - Order Entry (top)

    Figure 8 - Order Entry (bottom)

    This screen is used to input the order header details as follows:
    1. Order Type: You must select an Order Type from the pull down list. This can be a Regular Order, an Initial Stock Order, an Emergency Order or an Accessories Order.

    2. Order Number: Your purchase order number relevant to this order. The order number that you input here MUST be unique. Once an order number has been used in Ympulse it CANNOT be used again!

    3. Remarks: You can enter up to 15 characters of remarks. This is an optional field but CANNOT be used for an Initial Stock Order or an Accessories Order.

    4. Delivery Date: This is the date by when you would like to receive the order. It defaults to the current date.

    5. Model Code and Model Name: Both must be specified for an Initial Stock Order. They CANNOT be used for Emergency or Regular orders. These fields are automatically filled for an Accessories Order and cannot be amended.

  2. Once you have completed the "header" information you can enter the part numbers and quantities for the order lines. 20 order lines can be input on the screen.
    1. If you need to enter further lines press the More Lines button and a further 15 lines can be added to the order.
    2. If you wish to delete a line press the Delete button next to the appropriate order line.

  3. A confirmation box will appear asking you to confirm that you wish to delete the line.  Press OK to delete or press Cancel to ignore.

  4. The functions of the other buttons at the bottom of the screen are detailed below:  

More Lines

The order form is displayed with 20 available lines. If you need more lines, click this button to add a further 15 lines onto which you can enter order items.


Records the order as complete. Can be transmitted to YAMAHA by clicking Transmit.

Save for Later

Enables you to save orders that are incomplete. For example, you may have started to enter an order and had to stop in the middle (to perform other tasks). Incomplete orders will not be transmitted to YAMAHA.


Removes the order record.

Upload an order

Click the Orders button and then on the Upload button.
To upload an order this has to be in a specified YEPC-format. The YEPC-format is the format in which the Yamaha Electronic Part Catalogue-application creates Quote-files.
The YPEC website will also generate this format. More detailed information regarding the YEPC-format can be found in the following file: YEPC_format description YMPULSE -D.doc .

YEPC-format order example: order1 yepc (format example).txt

Error Messages

If the order information you have input is not valid you might receive error or warning messages.
These are displayed on a screen similar to the following, which will be displayed when you tab to the next order line:

Figure 9 - Order Errors (top)

If you receive an error, you cannot proceed with your order until you have corrected or removed the invalid data. An item number is invalid if:

  • It does not exist in the local parts file on the Web server
  • The part is discontinued and there are no supersessions for the item

Orders with error cannot be saved or marked as completed.

Transmit an order

Once you have completed orders, they must be transmitted to YAMAHA Europe's central computer for processing.

Orders are transmitted from the main Order Entry screen and can be transmitted either individually or in bulk.
To transmit selected orders:

  1. Click the Select button against the appropriate order. You can select one or numerous orders in this way.

  2. Then click the Transmit button.
    All orders you have selected will be sent to YAMAHA Europe's central computer.

    If it does not exist in the local parts file on the Web server
  • It is not of the appropriate Main Product Group (MPG) for this order
  • The part is discontinued

Order Confirmation Enquiry

YMPULSE-D enables you to see which orders have been confirmed.

  1. Click the Order Confirmation Enquiry option to display the following screen:

Figure 10 - Order Confirmation Enquiry

The system is "self cleaning" and will automatically delete Order Confirmation information that is more than 30 days old.
The information is displayed in descending order number sequence with the latest order number at the top of the list and the oldest at the bottom.

The screen shows the order number, the date the order was received by YMD, the type of the order and the number of lines that have been confirmed.

Delete order confirmation

You can delete a confirmation record by choosing the Delete option next to the line you wish to delete.
You will be prompted to confirm that you wish to delete the line.
Deleting an order confirmation removes the record from the list - it does NOT in any way remove the order from the Yamaha Central systems.

Order Adjustment Enquiry

YMPULSE-D enables you to see which orders have been cancelled / amended.

  1. Click the Order Adjustment Enquiry option to display the following screen:

Figure 11 - Order Adjustment Enquiry

The system is "self cleaning" and will automatically delete Order Adjustment information that is more than 30 days old.
The information is displayed in descending order number sequence with the latest order number at the top of the list and the oldest at the bottom.

The screen shows the order number, the order line number, the cancellation date, and the cancellation reason.
The various quantity fields will be displayed depending on the type of cancellation / adjustment.

Delete Order confirmation

You can delete a cancellation record by choosing the Delete option next to the line you wish to delete.
You will be prompted to confirm that you wish to delete the line.
Deleting an order cancellation removes the record from the list - it does NOT in any way remove the order from the Yamaha Central systems.

Shipment Information Enquiry

YMPULSE-D enables you to see the details of order shipments.

  1. Click the Shipment Information Enquiry option to display the following screen:

    Figure 12 - Shipment Information Enquiry (selection)

  2. Records can be filtered on order number and invoice number using the appropriate search fields at the top of the screen and pressing the search buttons.

    If you wish to copy, download or print the screen information, there are four buttons available above the shipment list.

    Figure 13 - Shipment Information Detail (top)

Security user

Yamaha Europe will supply you with a security user id (SEC) and password.
You will enter the system as detailed above however once you have input your distributor number and security id and password you will have a different set of menu options and a different screen as detailed below:

Figure 14 - Security User Menu

As a security user the option you have (apart from the change password and logoff options), are the Admin option (User maintenance).

From this screen you can:

  1. add new users
  2. amend existing users;
  3. Delete users.

In order to amend a user or delete a user you must choose a user id from the 'pull down' menu box to the right of your dealer number.
To add a new user just click on the Add User link.

Add User

In order to be able to create a user

  1. A distributor must be selected from the dropdown
  2. Press the Add User link.
    The following screen will be displayed:

    Figure 15- Add User (top)

  3. You must input a unique User Id of 3 characters or less.
  4. You must input a password of 6 to 15 characters.

  5. Input a greeting for this user. (This greeting will appear after the word "Welcome" when the user logs on to the system; e.g. Welcome Richard!)

  6. Select the type of user: Normal user or security user.

  7. Set the user status from the pull down list.
    This can be
    1.  Active
    2. Suspended

      Active users are "production" users.  A Suspended user cannot use YMPULSE-D.

  8. Finally you can restrict access to certain functions of the system by clicking on the small box.
    ! Functionality Parts, Shops , Accessory prices and Unit prices are only used by webmasters of Yamaha websites for maintenance of dealer locator and prices.

    Initially the user is set up to be able to access everything. You can then remove access by ticking on the appropriate box.

    1. In order to review a user id you merely select the id from the pull down list and the user's information will be displayed on the right side of the screen.

    2. In order to delete a user id then you should select the id from the pull down list and the user's information will be displayed on the right side of the screen. The delete button will be at the bottom. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion of the user id. Press OK to delete or cancel to not delete the user id.