How to do I get access to Pyramid?

Please raise a jira ticket to request an access to Pyramid.

How to login to Pyramid?

Use link:

Credentials: Your Yamaha windows user name and password

How to select data source?

The Discover app is used to query different data sources and create reports / visualizations, this is known as a Discover object.

When you use the Discover app you will be guided to select a data source:

The data sources displayed will depended on your user profile and security permissions.

If you are unable to view a specific data source please contact the BI Team by raising a support ticket.

How do I save my report?

There are a number of Save options in Discover

How do I raise support request?

If you have any questions related to Pyramid please raise a support ticket. This will be passed to the BI Team who will contact you directly to answer your questions and provide support.

Are there report themes available?

Yes, there are currently 2 Yamaha themes be used to apply the Yamaha corporate style guide to reports, dashboards and publications. The themes contain the Yamaha corporate colour palette, fonts and templates for creating dashboards and publications.

A theme will apply a default style and format to a report, visualization, dashboard or publication. You have the option to override the default styles and apply your own formatting.

When creating a report, visualization, dashboard or publication you can switch between different themes.

The current Yamaha themes are called 'YME' (default) and 'YME Chart'.

It seems like I have limited functionality. Can I have more features enabled?

Access to the Pyramid application modules (Discover, Present, Publish, Formulate, Model, Illustrate and Tabulate) and the functionality within each module is managed by your user permissions and user type (Professional, Analyst or Viewer).

If you would like to add more options please raise a support ticket.

How can I report a bug?

Please submit a support ticket and the BI Team will contact you.

If required the BI Team will contact the Pyramid Support Desk for assistance.

What resources are available to help me?

What is a Workgroup?

In Pyramid all analytic content (report, dashboard, publication, shared business logic, etc.) is saves in a central repository known as the Content Management Store (CMS).

All users can store content in the following 3 areas subject to permissions:

  • My Content (Personal)
  • Workgroup
  • Public

A Workgroup is defined by your security role and you can be assigned to more than one workgroup. We have named and organised workgroups based on the Yamaha business functions.

How do I collaborate with my team?

You can share Pyramid content with colleagues based on the workgroups you have access to. For example, if you are a member of the Parts & Accessories workgroup you can share a report or dashboard with colleagues in the same workgroup.

How can I make a report available outside my workgroup?

Can I send reports by e-mail automatically?

Yes, use the Publication app and define a schedule

Can I use Pyramid on a mobile device?

Pyramid content can be accessed via a browser, mobile device or embedded in another business application.

The mobile options are currently disabled and we will look to enable once the full Production environment is available.

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