What is a Use Case?

A Use Case is basically everything you would want to use Pyramid Analytics for. However, not always it is needed to request for a Use Case. 

You would need to request a Use Case in the following situations:

  • You need to have a Public folder, to share content outside your own team/workgroup
  • You need a Data Source other than those generally available, like the BI Cubes
  • You need to import data
  • You need to collaborate on content with people outside your team/workgroup


What is the scope of a Use Case?

  • Can be more than one report
  • Can be more than one data source
  • Different development team means different Use Case
  • Different Audience means different Use Case
  • Different Purpose means different Use Case
  • Different Owner means different Use Case
  • A Use Case only has one workgroup folder for development content
  • A Use Case only has one public folder (could have sub-folders though)

Use Case Definition

IdentifierUC + Four-digit number to uniquely identify the use case (UCxxxx)UC0001
TitleThe title/name of the Use CaseYMIT Dealer Bonus System
LabelIdentifier - TitleUC0001 - YMIT Dealer Bonus System
OwnerOwner of the Use Case. This person will decide about Role members (developers and audience).
PurposePurpose of the Use case. Developing and providing reports on the YMIT Dealer Bonus System

Use Case Roles

Pyramid security is setup via Roles. 

OptionalMembersRole Name
Use Case DevelopersMandatoryDevelopers of the Use Case. Identifier - Title - Developers (eg. UC0001 - YMIT Dealer Bonus System - Developers)
Use Case AudienceOptionalAudience of the Use Case contentIdentifier - Title - Audience (eg. UC0001 - YMIT Dealer Bonus System - Audience)

As an alternative for a specific Audience role, the content can also be authorized to a regular role, for example 'Yamaha Motor Italy', or 'HQ Marine'. 

Workgroup Folder

Every Use case gets one Workgroup folder, which will contain the development content. 

Folder Name: Use Case Label - Developers Content (eg. UC0001 - YMIT Dealer Bonus System - Developers Content)

Write access: The Developer Role will have full access to this folder

Public Folder

If the content needs to be made available to a broader audience than just the developers (quite likely..), a public folder will be provided under the 'Use Cases' folder in the public area.

Folder Name: Use Case Label (eg. UC0001 - YMIT Dealer Bonus System)

Write access: The Developer Role will have full access to this folder

Read access: The Audience roles will have read access in this folder

Data Sources/targets

Name convention: Use Case Identifier - Data Source Name. eg UC0001 - YMIT Dealer Bonus System.

Authorization: Both Use Case Developer and Audience role will have read access to the Use Case Data Sources.

Model Only permissions

The Audience roles should only have 'Model Only' rights on the Database level, to prevent them to access tables beyond the provided Data Model. See https://help.pyramidanalytics.com/Content/Root/MainClient/apps/Model/Model%20Pro/Data%20Flow/Data%20Sources/UseExistingSemanticModel.htm

  • No labels